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2016 IRONMAN World Championships day 3

Helmets from Lazer, sleeved swimskins from b70 and Kiwami, plus lots of athletes and bikes were noticed on this 3rd day of our Kona coverage.

Lazer brought a Wasp Air Triathlon model to Kona that coincidentally also featured a Hawaiian paint scheme. This helmet features a big vent in the center of the helmet.

In addition to the added ventilation the Wasp Air Triathlon also has a water port where an athlete can squirt in water when he or she is getting hot. This port is closed when not in use.

Despite the Kona Underpants run activities on Alii Drive the pier was busy with swimmers.

Coach Michael Kruger is not racing here, he is just making sure his athletes are tended to.

Yesterday Tim Van Berkel still had a beard but with the race coming closer it was time for a smooth and aero face.

IRONMAN World Champion Frederik Van Lierde swam this morning too, but he arrived relatively late.

This athlete was sporting the sleeved swimskin from Kiwami.

Jordan Rapp appeared to be in good spirits and well rested.

Alessandro Degasperi is racing on a Bianchi Aquila in Kona. A bike not often seen here.

b70 also brought sleeved swimskins to Kona but only 20 athletes were so lucky to have them.

HotShot was previously known as It's the Nerve and it is designed to prevent and treat muscle cramps.

Andy Potts was busy in the TYR booth signing autographs.

The Argon 18 E-119 had one of the best views in the Kona expo.

The Ridley Dean of Igor Amorelli is ready for action.

Tim Don trusted CeramicSpeed mechanic Jeff Yingling with the final prep of his Specialized Shiv Tri.

Lucy Charles and Reese Barclay are fantastic swimmers. Lucy beat Reece in the Ho'ala open water swim last weekend, but he is dominant in the pool, and he is racing here in Kona.

The Lazer Bullet is a aero road helmet offering from this Belgian brand and eventually what is now orange in the center will be available in a variety of color and nationality offerings.

When the air vent element is removed you can see the louvers behind the vent holes. The close when pulled all the way down and open when pulled up.

All images © Herbert Krabel /



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